Test ====================================== The test module defines a new test client, base testcase, testing mixins, and an alternate test runner. .. _TestClient: Test Client -------------------------------------- `hilbert.test.Client` is a simple extension of the Django test client which allows for an extra argument in `get` and `post` called `is_ajax`. This will default to `False` but when passed as `True` it will make the request as an AJAX request. .. _TestCase: TestCase -------------------------------------- `hilbert.test.TestCase` is an extension of the Django TestCase which uses the above test client and defines some helpful methods. .. py:method:: TestCase.get_random_string(length=10, choices=string.ascii_letters) This method is used to generate random string data used in various tests. :param length: The length of the string to return :param choices: The character set from which to draw the string characters :return: A random string .. py:method:: TestCase.get_random_email(domain=u'example.com') This method is used to generate random email for the given domain. :param domain: The domain name for the email address :return: A random email address as a string .. py:method:: TestCase.create_user(data=None) This generates a new `django.contrib.auth.User`. If no data is given then the user will be given a random username, email, and password. :param data: A dictionary of data for the user. Allowed keys: username, password, email :return: A newly created User model .. _CoverageRunner: CoverageRunner -------------------------------------- The `CoverageRunner` is a new test runner based on snippets `705 `_ and `2052 `_. It uses Ned Batchelder's `coverage.py `_ to determine the percent of code executed by the test suite. It can be enabled by setting `TEST_RUNNER='hilbert.test.CoverageRunner'` in your Django settings file. You must also define a set of submodules to be included in the report using the setting :ref:`COVERAGE_MODULES`. .. code-block:: python COVERAGE_MODULES = ( 'decorators', 'http', 'forms', 'models', 'views', ) Using this setting the test runner will report the coverage of listed submodules of the tested apps (if they exist). .. _ViewTestMixin: ViewTestMixin -------------------------------------- This is a testing mixin to help writing tests for your Django views. It will automatically reverse the data returned by `get_url()` and attach it to `self.url`. It also contains one test which does a GET request on the url. .. versionadded:: 0.3 The `ViewTestMixin` changed in version 0.3 to expect a class attribute `url_name`. .. code-block:: python class DashboardTestCase(TestCase, ViewTestMixin): url_name = 'dashboard' If your url needs either args or kwargs you can override `get_url_args` or `get_url_kwargs`. .. _AuthViewMixin: AuthViewMixin -------------------------------------- :ref:`AuthViewMixin` extends the :ref:`ViewTestMixin` for testing views which require authentication. It automatically creates a user and signs them in for any requests. It adds an additional test to ensure that authentication is required. This must be used in conjunction with :ref:`hilbert.test.TestCase`.